1975 Moultrie Road, St. Augustine, FL 32086

Open Monday - Friday 10AM - 5PM, Saturday 10AM - 3PM
(386) 447-1103 Palm Coast
(904) 826-4007 St. Augustine

May 16 2022
The holiday season is upon us! And what better gift to give your loved ones than the gift of a unique, hand-embroidered piece straight from the horse’s mouth! Or, well, hands!
Always dreamed of personalizing your holiday gifts and lending them a unique flavor? Look no further! Follow the tips below to embroider beautiful pieces that will have your loved ones cooing in aw!
Tip #1: The magic is in the fabric!
Okay, we’re not telling you to go and buy some magic fabric (but if you find some, snatch it up!) Embroidery is all about the fabric you choose. High-quality, non-stretchy, and opaque cotton is going to be your best friend, especially if you’re just getting started on your embroidery journey.
Tip #2: One stitch to rule them all!
As long as you use different threads! When your floss count changes, even if your stitch stays the same, you can still create a myriad of different looks and textures. Try switching out your high floss count thread for a lower one and see what difference it makes!
Tip #3: Have FUN!
As cliche as it might seem at first, it’s the truth! The more fun you have with it, the more your embroidery will improve. Try out different designs, colors, and fabrics to get a feel for what you really love. You’re going to mess up (more than once) but that’s part of what makes learning embroidery so fun!
Which tip are you going to try out first? We can’t wait to see what beautiful creations you stitch up! And make sure to check out our class calendar for some really fun and exciting embroidery classes this month!
Tata for now,
Cut up and Sew